"I find I'm so excited I can barely sit still or hold a thought in my head. I think it's the excitement only a free man can feel--a free man at the start of a long journey whose conclusion is uncertain...I hope I can make it across the border. I hope to see my friend and shake his hand. I hope the Pacific is a blue as it has been in my dreams. I hope..."

Recently, I've been in despair over what to do with my life. You know, that question you start asking yourself in middle school and never really answer till...well...I'm not sure when. Saturday, Tim told me where he saw my life headed. It was big. Tim's not like a prophet or anything, but Tim's a man of great vision. And I got real excited, then creeped out like Tim had been renting copies of my daydreams. Every bit of the vision he painted lunged at my heart.
I shared all this with Cristina, and then I started freakin out. "Tim's crazy!...Babe, do I need to go back to school? And how would we afford that?...Man, I'd be good at this aspect, but I'm definitely missing the gifting for that!" Cristina, being the awesome wife that she is, told me to stop. And then I got to thinking...
Why can't I pursue those dreams that are bigger than me? Why would I settle for the halfway house, for "institutionalization," conformity to that which the old cynics dub "the way things are"?
It's the excitement only a free man can feel. This is not naivete, the precursor to cynicism. This is reason. Do you know who my God is? Have you heard how he led old Israel from captivity through a Red Sea, then through a desert to the Promised Land by pillar of fire & cloud? Did you hear about that cross deal, how he proved he was FOR me by trading his Son? With him I am free.
I'm not dreaming of a life with no conflict. I'm saying embrace the conflict, & create a good story, the memorable scenes. No one writes a film about saving up money to buy a Volvo. Lord Of The Rings was written about a halfling who almost died only about a 100 times, and then saved the world. There's a good story.
**I'd love to hear the ambition you're pursuing, or would like to pursue, if you'd like to comment. I think that'd be AWESOME.