That was Monday, June 19th. From then on, we were bombarded with kindness from just about everyone we knew. A couple weeks after the big day, mom and dad W. came up to help pack some of our stuff. That was the first time I thought "Why ON EARTH do we have so much stuff?"
On Friday, July 15th we both worked our last day at work. Casey's work friends---The B Team---went out for Mexican to commemorate the last day. My P.W. work friends showered me with chocolate and balloons and cake and a flower (that I'm trying desperately not to kill). They were so sweet to me, and tried hard to make me cry, and I'm so thankful for the relationships I built there. Praise the Lord!
Also, on that Friday, before joining Casey and the rest of the B Team for lunch, I stopped by the hut (our affectionate name for the apt), only to find the power was out. Four phone calls, five customer service reps, six explanations, and a couple hours later, I found out the power was not coming back on until Monday---yes, the day we were moving out---due to a miscommunication. *Note to all here: when you are changing anything about your power, MAKE SURE you find out exactly when and where and how and who will be cutting your power off. And then double-check.* Standing outside in the 95-degree heat, sobbing, I called Casey to explain the situation. I've never been more thankful for his phone-call-oriented job, because he proceeded to handle all the rest of it with ease. "Now...what to do with all that meat in the freezer??" Enter, Leah. Leah and Silas came to my rescue and salvaged everything in the fridge and freezer! Amazing! Thank you so much Groff's. Not only that, but they let us live at their house that night, since it was 90 degrees and no AC in the hut.
Saturday we packed up a TON of stuff (note: the second time I thought "Why on EARTH do we have so much stuff?") thanks to Melissa, Tyler, and Erika. Erika is Tyler's girlfriend, who Casey and I had just met Thursday night, and she offered to come Saturday. Thank the Lord for the Body! After we finally got back to Raleigh from our Roxboro trip some friends from our Summit Small Group, the Chaney's, let us crash at their house for two nights! Again, the Body rocks! We got to watch "To Kill a Mockingbird", hear Casey sing to Rock Band, eat pizza, and just generally enjoy each other's company.
Monday was the BIG rent-the-U-haul-get-everything-out-of-the-house-day. That the was my third "Why on EARTH do we have so much stuff???" thought. Again, we were so blessed by Clayton, David, Carl, & Elizabeth helping us load it all up. Melissa loved on us again and bought lunch for the moving company. Sweet, generous friend. We headed to Roxboro, where once again, the Body provided for our needs. We were met at our new apartment by John, Austin, Tim, Willie, Destiny, Allie, and Stephanie, who unloaded ALL of our stuff. Alright, say it all together with me now: "WHY ON EARTH DO WE HAVE SO MUCH STUFF???"
Wednesday (The day I will just call, you guessed it, "WHY ON EARTH DO WE HAVE SO MUCH STUFF??? Day"), Mama Adams and Krysi came over and pretty much single-handedly (double-handedly?) unpacked our house. I keep saying they should start a business. I can't believe our house is already in order. It is such a relief to be really living in our apartment already. (A side note: you may now find a good portion of the 'why-on-earth-do-we-have-so-much-stuff?' stuff in the Durham Goodwill.)
I know, I know, this is the most ridiculously long post ever, and maybe boring, but I have to record the ways that God has provided for us. I have only shared like half of it. Because all along the way, countless people prayed for us and over us, offered to help pack and move, provided meals for us, listened to our worries, and just fellowshipped with us as we left Raleigh, or arrived in Roxboro. This is one of those times, I think, that we are supposed to look back on when we start to doubt God's good and faithful love and provision for us. And when we see it, there's no way we can say that He is not for us. Thank you Daddy!