How far along? 35 weeks (as of Friday) How big is the peanut? A honeydew 🍈, or a pineapple 😍 Total weight gain/loss? Happy to say I don't even know.
Maternity clothes? Pajamas? Sleep? So many weird dreams. Best moment this week? Pep talk from the doctor, hearing her heartbeat, and realizing we're now in the every week appointment stretch 😮🙏🏻🎉 Symptoms? Discomfort. Everywhere. Food cravings? Me and ice cream 🍦 are still bff's. Food aversions? Grease. Gender? Don't tell dad, but it's a girl. (He seriously has to already know though). Labor signs? Nope. Belly button in or out? Ouuut. What I miss? Just easy mobility I guess. What I'm looking forward to? Seeing her out here. ❤ Milestones? Got the "when to call the doctor" list and phone #s. Bump?
How far along? 34 weeks (as of Friday) How big is the peanut? Cantaloupe, or a honeydew 🍈 😍 Total weight gain/loss? Happy to say I don't even know.
Maternity clothes? So necessary. Sleep? Well, it's Saturday and I woke up before 6 😭 Best moment this week? Sleeping through the night in the middle of a cold. That was a serious answer to prayer y'all. Symptoms? Achiness. Food cravings? All the carbs. Food aversions? Same old, same old. Gender? Don't tell dad, but it's a girl. (Although not sure hope he doesn't know by now). Labor signs? No, not yet! Belly button in or out? Ouuut. What I miss? Just easy mobility I guess. What I'm looking forward to? Shower with my church fam today ❤ Milestones? Mmm... Nothing I can think of. Bump? I woke up like this.
How far along? 33 weeks (as of Friday) How big is the peanut? Pineapple, or a head of lettuce. Total weight gain/loss? Still steadily gaining :)
Maternity clothes? So thankful to be able to go through all the cold weather clothes that friends are letting me borrow. What a blessing. Sleep? Interrupted, but still, lovely. Best moment this week? Mountains with Love for a "babymoon". #thankful Symptoms? Achiness. Food cravings? All the bread. Sweet, savory, sweet again. Milk, whole please. Ice cream. Food aversions? Whatever gave me the worst heartburn ever Tuesday night. Gender? Don't tell dad, but it's a girl. Labor signs? No, not yet, but I'm thankful that at this point labor wouldn't be the end of the world. Can't believe we're that far along. Belly button in or out? Out. What I miss? It is hard to change positions. Like sitting to standing. Laying down to anything else is like a workout. :) What I'm looking forward to? Life with her out here! Milestones? Doctor says head is definitely down. Getting ready... Bump?
How far along? 32 weeks (as of Friday) How big is the peanut? A jicama! 😂 Or, a half gallon of milk. How healthy. Total weight gain/loss? Fewer clothing options.
Maternity clothes? See above 😀 Sleep? Definitely waking up more. Best moment this week? Super squirmy baby. But shy (or stubborn), I guess, because daddy doesn't get to feel it very often. Symptoms? How have I ever worn flats? Food cravings? Ice cream is my BFF. Food aversions? I think the fruit phase has passed. Gender? Don't tell (grand) dad, but it's a girl. Labor signs? No, not yet! And preferably not till after our preparing for labor class! Belly button in or out? Out. What I miss? Comfortable pants. And shirts. Yup. What I'm looking forward to? Mountain trip with C. "Babymoon", if you will. Milestones? First shower tomorrow yay. Bump?
How far along? 31 weeks (as of Friday) How big is the peanut? Butternut squash (how fall like), or coconut. Total weight gain/loss? No loss.
Maternity clothes? Yup. Sleep? Necessary. Best moment this week? Making room in baby's room by finally having a yard sale and getting rid of some stuff. Then getting a pedicure afterwards when my feet were aching. Symptoms? My feet, my back, all achy. Food cravings? Currently, chocolate cupcakes with that classic store bought icing. Food aversions? Too much grease still. Gender? Don't tell dad, but it's a girl. Labor signs? No, not yet! Belly button in or out? Out. What I miss? Comfortable pants. And shirts. What I'm looking forward to? Seeing her face. More imminently, mountains soon! Milestones? It's a month of baby showers... Bump?