In part, he was right.
"Unworthy to sing before King Jesus" was God's honest truth, spoken by a devil. But he was only half right, and half victorious. For in the subsequent battle, God's Spirit told me that yes, I had been disobedient. Yes, I had missed a great opportunity to make my need known to His people, missing an opportunity for any of them to respond with prayer or encouragement. Yes, my disobedience does warrant condemnation, & does warrant being cast out of the presence of a holy sinless God Almighty. "But God..."
But God in His Spirit revealed a precious truth. I had been disobedient then, but His power still resided in me, sealed by the blood of Jesus dying in my place for my sins, and there was NOW a new opportunity for obedience. I had made the wrong choice 30 seconds ago, but a new choice was being presented to me NOW. As much as I wanted to change what happened THEN, His refrain was "today is the day of salvation." And so in my "today," in that "now", by His power I chose obedience, and I pursued my pastor at the front of the building to ask for his prayer. And in that moment, there was victory, and I was able to forget myself for the rest of the evening, lost in the precious grace of my Savior.
Oddly enough, we opened the Word to Mark 14. Peter, James, & John, Jesus' closest friends, fell away and fell asleep, deserting Him in His painful hour praying in Gethsemane. But Jesus went to the cross for them still. He knew beforehand that they would fall away and even told them that, and yet He stilll went to the cross for them. Later on, however, they "got it", and they chose rightly to obey. I hear the enemy's lies all the time, and he often likes to take an obvious failure of mine and remind me of it over and over again till I feel sick. satan may be beating you up now over something you've done 10 years or 10 seconds ago, but the truth is that now is the acceptable time to obey, and now God's power is available to you and me, purchased by Jesus' blood (2 Corinthians 6:2)