But I, through the abundance of your steadfast love, will enter your house.I will bow down toward your holy temple in the fear of you.
God's love for His people is steadfast. Because God is steadfast. And good thing, because we sure are fickle. I have recently been enjoying the fact that no mater my shortcomings, God steadfastly loves me. Because He is God, and He has set His love on me in Jesus, and He does not change.
James says we should count trials joy because that testing of our faith produces steadfastness. Trials create steadfastness in us. Steadfastness -- the very character of God. What?! What a privilege that God would grant that we mere creatures could experience what He experiences when He is steadfast.
I don't want trials. Because they are harddd. But I do want more of God. If He ordains that more of Him right now means trials that cause me to have more of Him, then I will count it joy.
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