Saturday, December 12, 2015


Thursday afternoon, I was watching the Southern Middle Panthers take on the Mcdougle Middle Mustangs. The team was struggling at one point and I noticed the coach call out some instruction to one of his players. It seemed like it was probably some instruction he'd already given a few times to this player, who rolled his eyes, shook his head, and muttered something to his teammate. I thought, "Oh, buddy, that is just not gonna work out for you."  

If for no other reason than he'll pull you out of the game if you won't follow his lead, you should submit to your coach. But beyond that, it's just not smart to disagree with your coach, who knows you, and can see the game with an outside perspective. He's the coach for a reason. 

Isn't it the same with us and God? Isaiah 28 explains how God is like a farmer with us, careful to plow and sow and harvest at just the right time. So why is it so hard for us to wait on His timing? Do we think we know better? That He is somehow not competent to run our lives? He is competent.

Isaiah 28:29 reminds us that He is, "The LORD Almighty, wonderful in counsel and magnificent in wisdom." He knows how to coach us.

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