Friday, January 3, 2014

My Testimony (hint: read Ephesians 2)

I once was dead. I was doomed forever because of my many sins. I was full of sin. All I did was follow my evil passions and desires---I followed satan. I couldn't obey God, even if I'd wanted to, but I didn't want to. In a sick way, I was like a daughter to satan. I had hostility between me and God, and between His people. I was a stranger, an alien, an outsider. I was under God's anger, just like everyone else who is full of sin and only obeys their corrupt desires. I was unaware of God's promises to His people. I was without God. I was without hope.

But God is so rich in mercy, and He loved me so very much, that even while I was dead because of my sins, He gave me life when He raised Christ from the dead...For He raised me from the dead along with Christ!

Now, I am alive with Christ. I am known. And loved! I am included. I am a daughter of God. I'm a citizen with God's holy people, a member of God's family, a part of God's house, a portion of God's masterpiece. I am in Christ, and Christ is in me. I am indwelled by the Holy Spirit. I belong to Jesus! I am near to God---seated with Christ, in fact. I am new, saved, able and willing to obey God. I have been shown special favor by God, and so, I am an example of the incredible wealth of God's favor and kindness. Now, I know God's promises to His people, and I believe Him. I have God, and I have hope.