Wednesday, January 26, 2011

A Note On Praying Worthwhile Prayers

from Sun Stand Still, p. 153 "Prayer is the arena where our faith meets God's abilities. And there is never going to be a moment when the audacity of our faith surpasses God's capacity to respond. That's why timid prayers are a waste of time. Is it really worthy of God to ask him for a good day as our main point of conversation with him every morning? Or to ask him to make our jobs more tolerable? You and I are called to pray beyond that. Not just that God would give us a good day, but that he would show us his greatness throughout the day. Not just that we will find the strength to tolerate our work, but that we will find a purpose that can drive us to excel in our jobs for his glory."

With that in mind, I'm praying for me and Casey both to see His greatness every moment of today, and I'm asking that we both will find purpose in our jobs that drives us to excel in them for God's glory. He is able. And faithful. Let it be.

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