Monday, November 8, 2010

Thankfulness...or is it thanksgiving?

wait...that's not the right turkey...

Everyone is blogging about thankfulness, so why not us? This morning was kind of a rough start, what with it being Monday and all. Casey had to go out early for something before he even had to be at work, and Monday morning traffic in Raleigh is terrible, so it wasn't the happiest of times. Trying to lighten the mood, and redirect our attention, I asked "What are we thankful for?" The list started off normal enough.

Casey: Sunlight, the flowers.
Cristina: I just read Psalm 130---"If You, O LORD, kept a record of sins, O Lord, who could stand? But with You there is forgiveness; therefore you are feared." He doesn't keep a record of our sins.
Casey: Food.
Cristina: Our jobs. Our families. I really like my mom. And my sister. And my dad.
Casey: Roy Williams.
Cristina: Did you just say Roy Williams?
Casey: ...continuing to name UNC players...
Cristina: I don't even know who these people are...
Casey:...still naming UNC players...
Cristina: Okay...

Well, at least we are thankful for something.


  1. Yes... and sad for the atheist who realizes he is thankful for something and has no one to thank!

    Praise God from whom all blessings flow!

    I am thankful for you and your family!

    Horton Mom
